Sentier des Ocres
Maybe you have already heard about Roussillon, one of the ‘Plus beaux villages de France’. Right next to the village is an impressive landscape named the ‘Massif des Ocres’. Here you can make a colorful kid-friendly hike on the Sentier des Ocres.
Kids can enter this landscape for free, adults pay €3,-. After your entrance you can choose between two paths, supposedly to take 30 or 50 minutes. We did the long version with our kids of 5 and 7 years old and it was a piece of cake for them. They actually really, really liked it.
The landscape is so special, the colors of the hill vary from yellow, to orange, to red. You will walk up and down a well maintained path and will enjoy the beautiful vegetation and views. From one point you will have a great view on the uphill village of Roussillon.

Roussillon is one of those beautiful villages that is situated in the Luberon. Well, which village isn’t beautiful in this area? You can have a nice stroll through the village, there are some places to enjoy a lunch and you could even do some souvenir shopping. On top of the village you can have a wide view, even on the famous Mont Ventoux. Roussillon is very tiny, but together with walking the colorful kid-friendly hike on the Sentier des Ocres you will have a wonderful spend day. We even drove by a nice looking playground so your kid will have the best day too! Mine were to tired for it I have to admit.
If you are up for more hikes in the Luberon area, I could recommend to look at my blog about Forêt des Cèdres in the nearby Bonnieux.