Hiking l’Étang de la Bonde
In the wonderful green Luberon there is this beautiful lake, called l’Étang de la Bonde. This lake is situated nearby the village of La Motte d’Aigues. You can make a great hike with kids along the lake. We made the hike with our two kids in the fall, which offered us awing views on a beautiful landscape. The type of vegetation will give you beautiful colors all year long though. The fresh air also prevented our kids from complaining about the heat. In our case, to make a hike with our little ones, we have to create perfect conditions to get them enthusiastic ;-). This hike along l’Étang de la…
Sentier des Ocres
Maybe you have already heard about Roussillon, one of the ‘Plus beaux villages de France’. Right next to the village is an impressive landscape named the ‘Massif des Ocres’. Here you can make a colorful kid-friendly hike on the Sentier des Ocres. Kids can enter this landscape for free, adults pay €3,-. After your entrance you can choose between two paths, supposedly to take 30 or 50 minutes. We did the long version with our kids of 5 and 7 years old and it was a piece of cake for them. They actually really, really liked it. The landscape is so special, the colors of the hill vary from yellow,…
Maison Sainte-Victoire
I feel extra happy now that I can share a place that is a kid-friendly restaurant near the Sainte-Victoire. Thanks to friends that idolize this venue, we visited Restaurant Maison Sainte-Victoire this summer. It is a restaurant with a menu of amazing quality and it is situated on a stunning site. About the restaurant At the foot of the famous Aixoise mountain La Sainte-Victoire, in the village of Saint-Antonin-sur-Bayon, lies Maison Sainte-Victoire. It is a building that situates the restaurant as well as a cute little interesting museum. Restaurant Maison Sainte-Victoire has a very impressive cuisine, ooooh and its pastries are breathtaking. Luckily for us parents the setting is very…
Only 25 minutes away from Aix-en-Provence, in La Roque d’Antheron, you can find Grimmland. This theme park is build around the fairytales of the Grimm brothers and just big enough for your kid. Well, the ones under I’d say 12 years old. The attractions are very beautiful and sweet, kids can sail in a tree trunk, you can step into a swimming swan or take a small caterpillar train. Also older kids have there way around here, with a sort of flying boat or inflatable objects. During Halloween Grimmland is decorated with full commitment in style and is named Hallogrimm for the occasion. I would call this a go-to for…
Zoo La Barben
Zoo La Barben is a kid-friendly zoo near Aix-en-Provence, in a beautiful surrounding. If you like zoo’s, you will probably adore this petit but well maintained zoo. A big variety of animals live in Zoo La Barben, so your kid can learn about bears, monkeys, reptiles, tropical birds, you name it. There are more than 130 different species to admire and to find out how interesting they are. It gives you a good chance to teach your kid about the beautiful flora and fauna the world can offer. Although the animals are not in their natural habitat, the zoo has made a good effort in giving the animals a proper…
Carcassonne, Occitanie
With big enthusiasm I can tell you about a fun trip (outside the Provence) we had last fall. My kids still talk excitedly about our stay in the ‘cabin in the wood’. We booked a 3 day stay at Les cabanes dans les bois in Carcassonne. Lovers of medieval times must have heard about this town, it is also a very popular board game. Let me tell you some more about our kid-friendly stay in the woods. A cabin in the woods If you are looking for a slightly different holiday accomodation and love to be in the woods… Search no more, I’d recommend this lovely little park where the…
Let me tell you about one of the most special places in town. CIAM, Centre International des Arts et Mouvements, is a wonderful acrobatic circus in Aix-en-Provence. This cool place is located just outside of Aix and is an enchanting, cheerful place for both adults and kids. In wintertime my kids had a week of circus ‘stage’. In a real circus tent they learned all kinds of acrobatics from kind teachers. My children never got back from sports this happy! Festival CIAM has so much to offer. It is a very creative spot where lots of fun things are happening. In summertime the festival Jours (et nuits) de Cirque(s) take…
Sanary sur Mer
This blog is actually not only an ode to Sanary sur Mer, but here I describe so much more to discover around this beautiful village. I am sure you will get enthusiastic about spending a day or more with kids around this provençal coast area. It is a wonderful coast to explore with kids thanks to its beautiful long beaches, famous market as well as islands and climbing park in the area. The most beautiful market When you live in, or visit the Provence, Sanary sur Mer is just so beautiful that it is really worth a visit. The little town is wonderful to stroll with your kids. Sanary sur…
Le Môme, Venelles
Venelles is a quiet village not far from Aix-en-Provence, with a tiny but pretty center and some convenient shops. In the center you can find a good spot to enjoy a very good lunch or diner with your kid aka le môme. Le Môme is a family friendly restaurant. Le Môme is beautifully decorated with cool kids bikes and other kids relics. The owners have a kid and he apparently is an inspiration for their restaurant. There is a special môme menu with fish or meat, it gives you a choice at last! The other kids welcoming factors are a kids chair and a changing table. I don’t spot them…
La Pizza, Aix
OK, what DOES your kid want to eat? When I ask my kids for dinner inspiration it goes in this order… pancakes, fries or pizza. I never hear them ask for veggies, but I assume that more kids have this kind of appetite ;-). There is plenty of pizza choice in Aix, but I can really recommend our favorite. La Pizza is located in the centre of Aix and has a lot of tables outside. Besides that, La Pizza makes cute heart shaped pizzas for kids. La Pizza is in our hearts because it was the first restaurant we ate when we decided to move to Aix. In a charming…